Think beyond the conception of a linear path with a past, present and future. Think in the framework of nature - a system of cycles and spir

Imagine you are standing on a crumbling precipice before a chasm, looking at the other side, which is green, vibrant, and solid. At some poi

This month, we continue to grapple with last month's potent alignment of Saturn and Pluto. that requires us to let go of major but outda

CAPRICORN 2019-2020
There is great impulse at this time to strive higher, farther, and bigger than we ever have before. But no matter how hard we work, we canno

Jupiter in Capricorn
- that something bigger than us is motivating our decisions and actions. As Jupiter moves through Capricorn - a sign concerned with building

Cancer is ruled by the moon - the most overtly changeable of all the bodies studied in astrology... so the theme of this month is change. Th

2019's solar month of Taurus will challenge our assumptions about "what is." Normally, this is the time of year when we connec

The SUN is up to something this month... It's renewing itself at the solstice. No big deal, right? It does that every year like...

Capricorn & Winter Solstice
It's no wonder that people make "new year resolutions" during the solar month of Capricorn, when we have clear access to long-

Embracing the Unexpected
This is a time when we're refining our long-range goals, making adjustments in our lives that head us in the general direction of those