Think beyond the conception of a linear path with a past, present and future. Think in the framework of nature - a system of cycles and spir

Speed is exhilarating, but it requires an alert mind. And maybe also a crash helmet. Notice and be curious about the pace of things, and of

CAPRICORN 2019-2020
There is great impulse at this time to strive higher, farther, and bigger than we ever have before. But no matter how hard we work, we canno

Cancer is ruled by the moon - the most overtly changeable of all the bodies studied in astrology... so the theme of this month is change. Th

In 2019's Gemini month, we are drawn to be curious and explore the world, and yet we need to also leave time for introspection, as thing

The SUN is up to something this month... It's renewing itself at the solstice. No big deal, right? It does that every year like...

LEO 2018 - feed the flames of your heart
This month, I encourage you to consider the many metaphors of the physical heart: Are you moving out into the world & your relationships

CANCER 2018 - hard & soft in balance
We straddle the two worlds of deep sensitivity combined with a need to belong and to retreat into our tenderness on the one side, and a need

GEMINI 2018 - Standing in the Threshold
The threshold is an uncertain and uncomfortable place. There, we feel a sorrowful longing for the space we are leaving, and a fear of the un

Embracing the Unexpected
This is a time when we're refining our long-range goals, making adjustments in our lives that head us in the general direction of those