VIRGO 2018 - Giving things a whirl
This month, breathe some life into those dreams of yours. Pull them out into the light of day, and see what they can do. There will be time

CANCER 2018 - hard & soft in balance
We straddle the two worlds of deep sensitivity combined with a need to belong and to retreat into our tenderness on the one side, and a need

Stillness & Motion
We are all at the center of our own stories, trying to outrun our fears or move towards our desires. Hopefully we stop to remember, honor an

Embracing the Unexpected
This is a time when we're refining our long-range goals, making adjustments in our lives that head us in the general direction of those

Saturn in Capricorn 2017-2020
We can expect major structures that don't work anymore to crumble, and new structures to take their place. You'll see this in the va

Look up. Look down. Look all around.
we find ourselves in an octopus-like experience of Sagittarius: plumbing the depths broadly, spreading ourselves out below the firmament of

There are those defining moments when the fabric of one's life is drastically altered and/or called into question. We are coming out of

Mind, Matter, Mystery
Recently, I went camping in the desert to celebrate my birthday. That night, the wind was so fierce that it pulled my tent's stakes out...